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To grow pulses successfully growers and their advisors need access to sound information and expert agronomic advice. The PGRO levy-funded Descriptive List remains a core tool for those of us involved in growing pulses. As always, Frontier is pleased to support this valuable publication for growers and advisors.
We are still seeing growth in interest in pulses both from growers and the markets. End consumers and food production businesses are keen to source plant based protein sources grown in the UK, rather than importing soyabean meal. Whilst it is always important to check agronomic impacts of changing the rotation, increasing focus on carbon management and dramatic increases to input costs can make pulses a prudent addition to the rotation.
As always, here’s to the season ahead; may it be an agronomic and economic success for pulse growers who use this guide to help make rotational decisions.
Mark Aitchison
Managing Director, Frontier Agriculture