Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 60 - Legume -based organic fertilizers in the organic cropping systems (Lithuania)

Short title (in English): 
Legume -based organic fertilizers in the organic cropping systems (Lithuania)

Short summary for practitioners (in English): 
Legumes in stockless cropping systems are the key elements for nitrogen (N) supply, nutrient cycling, crop productivity and soil fertility. The aim of the study was to estimate the effect of technologically processed plant-based organic fertilisers on the productivity and N accumulation by spring cereals in the organic cropping system. On the loam and clay loam soil the following fertilisers were investigated: fresh mass of red clover, fermented red clover mass, fermented pea and wheat mass, composted red clover and wheat straw mass and granulated cattle manure.
Fresh and fermented red clover mass was found to be rich in N and potassium (K), while composted red clover and straw mass was rich in phosphorus (P). In the 1st year, the grain yield of spring wheat was significantly increased using fresh red clover mass and granulated cattle manure; however, in the 2nd year fermented red clover mass increased the yield of spring barley grain the most. During the two years of plant-based organic fertiliser use, in both soils most of the N yield in cereal grains and straw was accumulated using fresh red clover, fermented red clover and granulated cattle manure fertilisers. Comparison of the two experimental sites revealed that the effects of plant-based fertilisers on the productivity of cereals and changes in soil chemical compounds were more apparent in the Nmin low loam soil than in the Nmin richer clay loam soil. The effect of fermented red clover and granulated cattle manure was comparable; however, greater improving effect was exhibited by the fermented red clover in the loam soil and by granulated cattle manure in the clay loam soil.

Short title (native language): 
Augalin?s kilm?s organin?s tr?šos ekologinio ?kininkavimo sistemoje

Short summary for practitioners (native language): 
Augalininkyst?s sistemose pupiniai augalai yra pagrindinis azoto (N) tiekimo, maisto medžiag? apykaitos, pas?li? produktyvumo ir dirvožemio derlingumo elementas. Tikslas – ištirti dvej? met? technologiškai apdorot? augalin?s kilm?s organini? tr?š? ?tak? vasarini? miglini? jav? produktyvumui bei N kaupimuisi ekologin?je augalininkyst?s sistemoje. Sunkaus ir vidutinio sunkumo priemoliuose buvo tirtos šios augalin?s kilm?s tr?šos: šviežia raudon?j? dobil? biomas?, fermentuota raudon?j? dobil? mas?, fermentuota žirni? ir kvie?i? mas?, kompostuota raudon?j? dobil? ir kvie?i? šiaud? mas? bei granuliuotas galvij? m?šlas.
Nustatyta, kad šviežioje ir fermentuotoje raudon?j? dobil? biomas?je gausu N ir kalio (K), kompostuotoje raudon?j? dobil? ir šiaud? mas?je – fosforo (P). Pirmaisiais metais vasarini? kvie?i? gr?d? derlius buvo esmingai didesnis panaudojus švieži? raudon?j? dobil? mas? ir granuliuot? galvij? m?šl?; antraisiais metais vasarini? mieži? gr?d? derli? labiausiai didino fermentuot? raudon?j? dobil? mas?. Per dvejus tyrimo metus abiejuose dirvožemiuose didesnis jav? gr?d? ir šiaud? N kiekis buvo sukauptas naudojant šviežius raudonuosius dobilus, fermentuotus raudonuosius dobilus ir granuliuot? galvij? m?šl?. Augalini? tr?š? ?taka jav? produktyvumui ir dirvožemio chemin?s sud?ties poky?iams buvo efektyvesn? mažai mineralinio N turin?iame vidutinio sunkumo priemolyje, palyginus su turin?iu daugiau mineralinio N sunkiu priemoliu. Fermentuot? raudon?j? dobil? ir granuliuoto galvij? m?šlo ?taka buvo panaši, ta?iau didesniu efektyvumu pasižym?jo fermentuota raudon?j? dobil? mas? vidutinio sunkumo priemolyje ir granuliuotas galvij? m?šlas sunkiame priemolyje.
