Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 50 - Can spring beans be autumn planted as an alternative to a winter beans?

Short title (native language): 
Can spring beans be autumn planted as an alternative to a winter beans?

Short summary for practitioners (native language): 
With a shortage of winter bean seed in the UK growers were asking if spring beans could be sown in the autumn?Replicated plot trials were sown on a range of sites from 2013 to 2019, comparing a spring bean alongside winter beans. Spring bean plots were established at their normal rate (40 plants per sq meter) and at the winter bean rate of 20 plants per square meter. Sites, soil types and spring bean varieties have varied. The winter bean used for comparison was always variety Tundra.Yields were variable over the years. Autumn sown spring beans at 40 plants/m² gave similar yields (101%) to Tundra at 20 plants/m² (100%). Autumn sown spring beans at 20 plants/m² gave lower yields (88%). In some years and at some sites, autumn sown SB20 yielded a little higher than SB40.
The winters during the trial period were relatively mild, but there were been cold snaps. It should be noted that all PGRO winter bean trials were covered with a 1mm mesh ground net after pre-emergence herbicide to protect against crows, rooks etc. It may have provided some slight protection against frosts.
Guidance: If using Farm Saved Seed testing is considered essential. Don’t plant too early, target drilling last week of October through to mid-November in the UK.
Avoid plants being too proud through winter. Sowing deep can minimise lush top growth in early winter.If autumn planting spring beans, aim to achieve at least 40 established plants/m². Amongst other traits winter beans are bred for cold tolerance, branching and a high tolerance to Ascochyta so alert to diseases, especially Ascochyta and chocolate spot. Autumn planted spring beans are earlier to mature than either winter beans or spring planted beans.
For discussion with the researcher contact Steve Belcher at PGRO (
