Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 3 - Faba-bean cultivation and utilization in Denmark within pig farms

Faba-bean cultivation and utilization in Denmark within pig farms

Danish pig farmers have begun to utilize faba-beans in their fodder mix - especially on organic pig farms - hence the use of domestically cultivated proteins instead of the traditional imported soya-beans. Faba-beans are cultivated on the pig farm, purchased from local farmers, or bought from the fodder company. Faba-beans is a valuable feed ingredient for pigs, and the content of tannin does not impact the nutrient value. Compared to when used for dairy cattle feed, utilized for pig fodder, no toasting is required, lowering the final fodder protein cost. As pigs grow a bit slower when feed by faba-beans the result is more meat-weight that fat-weight gain, providing a better quality and possible net-price for farmers. This is in contrast to most pig feed consultancies, which advocate the soybean amino acid composition as much more favourable than that of the faba bean. Within the pig farmer communities in Denmark there seems, to be a lack of knowledge about the value of faba-beans as protein source in pig rearing, and more knowledge dissemination within this part of the agricultural sector is needed. To increase domestic cultivation and utilization of faba-bean amongst pig farmers in Denmark, we suggest that pig farmers begin to co-operate among each other and share e.g. faba-bean storage capacity and dryers, as well as faba-bean grinders for home feed mixers.
