Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Practice Abstract 22 - How to influence the protein content of soybeans

Short title (native language): 
How to influence the protein content of soybeans

Short summary for practitioners (native language): 
Soybean price for the food market is largely determined by the protein content. The minimum requirement for protein is 42% in certain food markets depending on the processing and the quality of the end product. Therefor it is important for farmers to know how they can influence the protein content of their crop. Improving the understanding of the factors determining the level of protein content in soya beans is one of the items Dutch research is focussing on.
It is known that protein content is to a large extent genetically determined; certain varieties have the highest protein content every year while others always are relatively low in protein. Choosing a variety high in protein can help to meet the requested 42%. But under Dutch circumstances the protein level fluctuates from year to year due to (local) circumstances like drought, temperature, radiation and nitrogen availability. Successful nodulation (by Rhizobium inoculation) is the basis for high yields and high protein contents but adding a nitrogen fertilizer at a later growth stage can influence the protein content as well. A small N-fertilization at beginning of pod filling sometimes increases the protein content but the action is uncertain. At this stage, the best and most reliable measure farmers can take to influence protein content, is variety choice.

For more information contact:
Chris de Visser, Business Unit Manager Wageningen UR Lelystad ( or Ruud Timmer, researcher protein crops (
