Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Possible price Indicators for legumes

Möglichkeiten zur Bildung von verwertungsorientierten Preisindikatoren für Futtererbsen und Ackerbohnen imVergleich zur veröffentlichten Marktpreisberichterstattung

"Possibilities for creating recovery-oriented price indicators for field pea and field beans compared to published market price reporting."
Published in Germana summary in English can be found on page 25.
The report explores the undervaluation of Legumes in publicly available information systems. The work aimed to identify price indicators to improve transparency in price determination.

Three approaches have been developed.

1. multiple regression with the observed prices of substitute feed

2. determination of legume feed values in pig fattening using the Löhr replacement method.

3. derivation of price indicators from the foreign trade data as a unit value.

The full document is also published here 
Von Bruno Kezeya Sepngang, Ina Stute, Wolfgang Stauss, Bernhard Carl Schäfer und Marcus Mergenthaler
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen,
Lübecker Ring 2,
59494 Soest
Tel.: 02921 / 378-3283
Fax: 02921 / 378-3200