The document represents the output from Task 4.3 with the aim to predict the effects of different policy design options through mathematical models. Modelling activities concerned using simple land allocation models to understand farm level incentives and to design different policy options. The background to this work is to be found in Task 4.1, 4.2 and Task 4.4 of the WP4 of the LEGVALUE project.
The main objective of T4.1 and T4.2 was to analyse the effects of different existing and prospective policy instruments and their contribution towards increasing the production of legumes in Europe. This was conducted through an identification of policy needs, instruments, and intervention pathways associated with emerging policy developments. Where to Task 4.4 the objective was the identification of good practices and prospective policy measures to promote legumes production in the EU.
The objective was reached by launching series of national and EU level workshops designed to gather expert views across countries on the role of policy in providing incentives for legume production. One of the outcomes of this work was the identifications of a long list of policy instruments related to legumes.
For the modelling exercise we decided to focus on one single instrument and rather to devote effort at investigating the relationship between the main design variables and context conditions. In light of the policy instruments under Task 4.2 and 4.4 and considering as well the list of practical policy instruments introduced by EC (EC, 2021) we chose to work on the eco-scheme measure. The measure represents one of the most innovative components in the last CAP reform. In particular, we refer to ecoschemes as annual payments for the uptake of voluntary measures related with environment, biodiversity, and climate change.
In particular, a specific eco-scheme measure concerning the inclusion of legumes in rotation is considered in the models studied in T4.3. The theoretical framework and the results of the different model elaborated are presented in more details in the D3.4 submitted in May 2021