This report is part of the transdisciplinary EU research project "LegValue". Work package 3, which deals with the market and economics of legumes, has as an important objective to increase the market transparency of legumes. The present study describes the markets of the main growth legumes. Unfortunately, no price quotations were identified to allow a price analysis of grain legumes in Italy. This market information could be useful for the current and future actors in this sector. A mixed-method approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyses was used in this study. The parameters used for the quantitative analyses are production, domestic consumption, imports and exports.
Bruno Kezeya Sepngang, Frédéric Muel, Francesco Galioto,Fernando Pellegrini, Daniele Antichi,Marcus Mergenthaler
Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Standort Soest, Fachbereich Agrarwirtschaft,
Lübecker Ring 2, 59494 Soest
Tel.: 02921 / 378-3283 Fax: 02921 / 378-3200
ISBN (print): 978-3-940956-83-5
ISBN (elektr): 978-3-940956-82-8