Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Legumes in multiple-species combinations or mixed pasture (Dordogne, France)

An exploited track is the installation of varied flora meadows that are adapted to the local context, sustainable, productive and ensuring a good quality of fodder. The farmers are in contact with INRA who recommends mixtures using CAPFLORE software (Conception Assisted from Prairie to FLORE diversified). 7 farms are involved in this project, which began in September 2016. The farming system is organic dairy farms based on grass-feeding system (pasture or crop harvested). Work is about determining what kind of legumes should be incorporated in mixtures according to the type of soil, the use (cutting or pasture) and the durability wished. The cutting part is stored either as hay or as silage. The main technical problems remain: the difficult and slow installation of grasslands (high pest pressure such as slugs, slow development and staggered species sown) and optimization of the use of grasslands (and especially for pasture meadows optimization of the date, duration and loading to avoid the risk of overgrazing and therefore degradation of the meadow). The aim of the project is to transform temporary meadows into more sustainable meadows, to save time (less sowing) and quality.
