Processors and Growers Research Organisation

Optibean Project


PGRO output - A spreadsheet based collection of Economic and Agronomic worksheets to aid the production of UK produced field beans.

To download the Agronomy Tool, please enter your email address in the box below. You will then receive an email from us with a link to our secure dropbox folder where you can download a zipped copy of the excel spreadsheet. Please check your spam folder if the email is not received within 1 hour.


If you experience problems with this process or the downloaded file please contact Steve Belcher, Principal Technical Officer on +44 (0)1780 782585 or email

About Optibean

“OPTIBEAN”, a 4 year project which concluded in 2015 was part funded by Innovate UK to optimise faba bean breeding production and usage. Project Reference TSB 101082- “Improving the Availability of UK sourced Protein Feed through New Faba Bean Varieties, Production and Utilisation Systems”.

General Aims

The Optibean project consisted of 3 work packages. PGRO lead work package 2

Work Package 1 Objectives: Wherry & NIAB-TAG

  • Breeding for yield stability & quality
  • Genetics behind pod set stability

Work Package 2 Objectives: PGRO, NIAB-TAG

  • Sowing date & population studies
  • Fungicide & aphicide timing studies
  • Soil SNS studies
  • Inter row weeding studies (NIAB-TAG)
  • Produce web-based agronomy tool

Work Package 3 Objectives: Waitrose Producer Groups

  • Breeding for yield stability & quality
  • Genetics behind pod set stability

Optibean consortium partners:

